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TINMLBJ-SB-16g Titanium Internally Threaded Micro Small Base Labret with Jewelled Ball


Titanium 6Al-4V-Eli ASTM F-136 Internally threaded 16g labret with 2.5mm base and 3mm jewelled half ball.


Titanium 6AL-4V-ELI ASTM F-136 is compliant with the European Nickel directive of 2001 for initial piercings. It is biocompatible and can be anodized in many colors, as well as high polish. It is ideal for initial piercings as well as healed piercings. Titanium is only half the weight of surgical steel, yet twice as strong. Titanium mill certificates and sterile certificates are available upon request.


  • Material: Titanium 6Al-4V-Eli ASTM F-136